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Colors of Hope!

I often pass by Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s mazaar and notice people from all kinds of classes right outside, sitting on the footpath, with their palms open at the mercy of the wise, wide-eyed old men, wrinkles on each one of those faces telling a thousand and one stories of their own.. I was reminiscing my drive through that narrow- crowded road after I received a morning text from a friend of mine in which he shared an Indian Proverb, that read as follows:

“Your future does not depend on the lines of your hands, because people who do not have hands also have a future”.

How true! Though I found this study quite interesting at one point in time, I am now pretty much against these horoscopes and palmistry kinda activities based on religious grounds purely.

Anyway, here’s meee meeeee meeee, jotting down some scattered thoughts in this otherwise CRM- terms- filled head of mine, that I’d decided to share this morn here, and which actually gives me an opportunity to appreciate another great effort by another one of my dear x-colleagues and friend, Alishah Chagani.

Quoting *anonymous*, so when was the last time you appreciated a kid? I just did! NOW! 🙂

Well, whatcha waiting for?!
Spread the word and love! Join us in appreciating and encouraging the bunch of youngsters by liking their page on Facebook!

They are the Colors of Hope!  Their Official Website and services are expected to be launched in October 2011.
Let’s help spread the colors of Life, with the light of Hope, for these very very special and extremely talented kids!

To view what amazing and beautiful things these angels are capable of doing, check out this link!

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