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An Eemaan Booster!

Allah is enough for you!

Allah is enough for you!

Have patience! If you’re going through a tough moment, realize the fact that it is just an imtihaan (test), a mere aazmaaish.. ask Him for forgiveness of sins.. any wrong doing.. big or small.. the Almighty, the most merciful will forgive.. continuous dua and astaghfaar would make your mind go light.. and your heart will feel content.. Shaitaan will strike.. he’ll provoke you.. don’t dare go weak.. for he is not stronger than you.. hang in there.. remain within the limits of sanity.. have a grip on your nafs. Allah is with you at all times, He loves you and He is all you need. And beshak, Allah tumhain kaafii hai (Indeed, Allah is enough for you). Just have sabr (patience).. Everything will be okay.

May Allah forgive us and give us all hidayat (guidance). May He increase our eemaan (faith). InshaAllah and ameen.


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