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Celebrating Jinnah Sb.’s birthday..
Is this Quaid-e-Azam’s Pakistan? By Umar Rahman

The Umar Rahman Blog


Pakistan the secular state, created with the notion of housing Muslims of South Asia was never an Islamic state in view of various ethnic combinations the new state had to offer. It never has been that for good part of 40 years.  Muslims claiming to be the dire owners and rulers of South Asia for good part of 8 centuries worked themselves into a gradual decline, claiming royalties, having armies for hires, using Rajputs, draining the treasury to build palaces not roads or schools, and did little for the education or for the elevation of masses. Muslims continued to be in the reigning position as those being ruled (including Muslims) were too oppressed to rise in arms but what happened very gradually was that while Muslims were busy building palaces the work was being done by their Hindu subjects who by default were more submissive and eventually had been gaining…

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