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Friday mabrook to all! :)

Bismillah ar-Rahman-nir-Raheem

Ya Allah, Ya Rabbe Kareem, ya Allah we have wronged ourselves, Ya Allah You showered the most incredible blessing upon us, You made us amongst the Ummat-e- Mustafa sallal Laaho aleihi wa aliehi wasallam, Ya ALlah You granted us this incredible honor to be a follower of the Last and greatest Messenger, the greatest of all of Your creation, Ya Allah Ya Rabbe Kareem, Ya Allah we have wronged ourselves, We have allowed ourselves to become distant from his Sunnah, Ya Allah we have allowed ourselves to be distant from his seerah, Ya Allah we have allowed ourselves to be distant from his sifaat-e- Mouminana, Ya Allah Ya Rabbe Kareem, Ya Allah we ask You to restore to us his naboo’at, and to restore us to our ummati-ness, Ya Allah we ask You to make us amongst his Kaamil followers, amongst his Kaamil inheritors, Ya Allah Ya Rabbe kareem we want to meet the Prophet sallalaaho aleihi wa alihi wasallam in such a state on the day of judgement that we are able to recognize him, and that he is able to recognize us, that we are able to lay claim to him, and Ya Allah that he himself lays claims to us as his ummati, Ya Allah we ask You to grace us by having the shifa of Rasool Allah sallalaaho aleihi wa aalihi wasallam, let him intercede for us on that day, let us get a place on his ranks and his sahfoof in his rows on the day of judgement, Ya Allah ya Rabbe Kareem, let us get a place in his shade on the day of judgement, and let us get a place in his shade in Jannah for all of the Aakhira for the ever lasting after life, Ya Allah Ya Rabbe Kareem, we ask You to Guide us to the path of the Sunnah, the way of the Sunnah, the teachings of the Sunnah, the lifetime of the Sunnah, the emotions of the Sunnah, and the mentality of the Sunnah, Ya Rabbe Kareem we ask you to restore to us this identity of being his follower, Ya Allah we ask you to increase our love for the Prophet Muhammad sallal laaho aleihi waalihi wasallam, our love as the love as his Sahaaba-e- karaam raziAllahtaAlah anhu, our love for all of those who love him, our love for all of those who were beloved to him, our love for each and everyone of his actions, anyone and each one of his statements, each and everyone of his feelings, Ya Allah Ya Rabbe Kareem, we ask You to accept our Dua, we ask You to drown us into the Sunnah, from the tips of our hair, to the soles of our feet, from the outermost part of our skin, to the depth and inner most core of our being, Ya Allah we ask You to drown us into the Sunnah life, in the Sunnah way.
Ameen. Summa Ameen.

(Dedicated to the works and lectures of Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed
– Dua after the lecture delivered on the Last Ayaahs of Surah Al Baqarah
LUMS- Lahore University of Management Sciences)

May Allah increase our iimaan. inshAllah and ameen.

Jumma Mabrook everyone!

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